GR Dragonflies Downtown is a family-friendly outdoor scavenger hunt inspired by the creative spirit of Grand Rapids and powered by community partnerships.
About the Project:
Mayor Rosalynn Bliss led the initiative to bring this vision to life with the support of the Public Spaces Community Places program - a collaborative effort of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Michigan Municipal League and Patronicity.
The City of Grand Rapids, Rotary Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. and The Right Place launched the successful crowdfunding campaign in the fall of 2024 to bring 25 bronze dragonfly sculptures to Downtown Grand Rapids. Thanks to a matching grant of $50,000 from the MEDC's Public Spaces Community Places program, these sculptures were designed and fabricated by Grand Rapids artist, Mic Carlson, and are now scattered throughout Downtown Grand Rapids for anyone to discover.
This engaging outdoor scavenger hunt provides an opportunity to explore Downtown and discover not only the dragonflies, but also all of the beautiful art and activities the center of our City has to offer.
A special thank you is extended to The Rotary Club of Grand Rapids for their generous support as the presenting sponsor of GR Dragonflies Downtown.
How to Find the Dragonflies:
Brochures with a map and scavenger hunt clues are available at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum.
It can also be downloaded here.
- The Grand Rapids Children's Museum is a great place to start!
- Get a GR Dragonflies Downtown brochure (or use this page), get your bearings and find our flying friends!
- The dragonflies come in a few shapes and sizes, and they like to perch high and low in all kinds of places like flower beds, benches, doorways, signs and the clues, follow the map and be sure to keep your eyes peeled!