
Showing posts 291-300 of 456

  1. Men in Black: Friday's Movie in the Park

    Pre-movie entertainment starts at 7PM. Film starts at dusk. This film will feature English subtitles for people with hearing impairments.
  2. The Wizard of Oz Kicks Off Movies in the Park Summer Series

    Pre-movie entertainment starts at 7PM. Film starts at dusk.
  3. Downtown GR Inc. Announces 2016 Movies in the Park Lineup

    The outdoor summer movie series returns with 7 beloved films and several new event innovations.
  4. Proposed DDA Budget Funds 92 Initiatives to Move GR Forward

    Citizens identified and prioritized 98% of the proposed discretionary spending.
  5. Data Underscores Growing Downtown Neighborhood of Grand Rapids

    Quick facts about Downtown's residents, workers and housing.
  6. Relax at Rosa Returns for Summer '16

    Free weekly lunchtime series features local music, food trucks and outdoor games at Rosa Parks Circle.
  7. Mixed-Use Movie Theatre Proposed in Downtown GR Would Deliver Enormous Economic Benefit

  8. DGRI Statement in Response to Announcement by Loeks Theatre, 616 Development

  9. GR Forward 2016 Agenda for Action

    Downtown's city building goals and priority project highlights.
  10. DGRI President/CEO Report February 2016