Downtown Improvement District (DID)

The Downtown Improvement District (DID) is a funding tool Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. administers to keep certain areas of the urban core clean, attractive, and eventful. Funds go to support a uniformed Clean Team that leads daily sidewalk cleaning, landscaping and beautification, sidewalk snowmelt, restaurant and retail-oriented marketing and promotions, and special events.

Established by the City Commission in 2000 under state law, the DID’s sole revenue source is a special assessment on real property voluntarily approved by business and property owners within the DID district. City Commission approves the DID special assessment and budget. A 16-member Board appointed by the Mayor with concurrence from the City Commission govern the DID. The Board meets bi-monthly. More details are on the City Clerk Page.

Board Members

  1. Monica Steimle-App, Chair

    Rockford Construction

  2. Peter Albertini

    Peter Albertini Properties

  3. Stacie Behler

    Grand Valley State University

  4. Kate Berens

    Deputy City Manager

  5. Michael Bishop

    Mercantile Bank

  6. Michael Ellis

    Ellis Parking

  7. Cullen Hillary


  8. Ginny Justice


  9. Emily Loeks

    Studio C

  10. Josh Lunger

    Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce

  11. Andrew Martin


  12. Paul Skentzos

    Downtown Resident

  13. Jess Slaydon

    Swift Printing

  14. Elliot Talen

    Downtown Resident

  15. Ashley Ward

    W Talent Solutions

  16. Richard A. Winn

    AHC Hospitality

  17. Douglas Kessler

    Professional Courier Services

Upcoming Meeting Schedule

View Past Meetings
  1. Downtown Improvement District Board Meeting Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
  2. Downtown Improvement District Board Meeting Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
  3. Downtown Improvement District Board Meeting Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
  4. Downtown Improvement District Board Meeting Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
  5. Downtown Improvement District Board Meeting Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)

DID Operating Plan and Fiscal Year 2024 Budget

A committee of Downtown stakeholders developed and proposed the operating plan linked below to ensure Downtown maintains critical place management services that keep the neighborhood clean, beautiful and vibrant. The plan includes a summary of services requested by property owners in the DID, the map showing where these services will be delivered and the budget to provide the requested services during Fiscal Year 2024, which runs from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. The Downtown Improvement District Board on March 22, 2023 recommended the plan to the City Commission who approved it on May 8, 2023.

Freedom of Information

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