The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a funding tool Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. administers to help catalyze public and private investment in Grand Rapids urban core. Funds go to help expedite private development projects, put underutilized property back to productive use, build streets and public infrastructure, as well as maintain and expand parks and other public amenities.
Established by the City Commission in 1980 under state law, the GR DDA’s principal source of funding is revenue generated by increasing property values within the DDA district. City Commission annually approves the DDA budget. A 9-member Board of Directors appointed by the Mayor with concurrence from City Commission govern the DDA. The Board meets monthly on the second Wednesday.
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority/Monroe North Tax Increment Finance Authority 1st Informational Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority Board Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. 29 Pearl St NW, Suite 1
Downtown Development Authority/Monroe North Tax Increment Finance Authority 2nd Informational Meeting
Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc (29 Pearl St NW Suite 1, Grand Rapids MI 49503)
Support for holiday lighting, new trash cans on South Division Avenue and a formal agreement with the City of Grand Rapids for Acrisure Amphitheater funding.
Support for Downtown security services, flower plantings, Downtown business, a Grand River Public Art Plan and World of Winter.
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
The DDA Board on April 12, 2023 recommended its Fiscal Year 2024 Budget to City Commission, which approved the proposal on May 9, 2023. The DDA adopted the FY24 budget on May 10, 2023. The 2024 Fiscal Year runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
The DDA’s Development and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan, required by state law, establishes the purposes and practices which guide how the DDA collects and uses revenues to catalyze investment in its district. The current plan was recommended by the DDA Board in October 2016 and approved by the Grand Rapids City Commission in December 2016.
Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ensures public access to government records. The DDA's FOIA Procedures and Guidelines describe the process and expectations for the public to submit formal requests information. If you seek something specific, give us a call. We will help you find it.