The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a funding tool that Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) administers to help catalyze public and private investment in Grand Rapids’ urban core.

To maintain a high level of openness and transparency, the full recording of the live-streamed DDA Board meeting on March 13, 2024, is available on YouTube.

The Board met on this agenda and took the following actions:

Calder Plaza Design Funding

The Board approved funding to continue partnership work with the City of Grand Rapids and various stakeholders on the Calder Redesign project. The project kicked off in 2018 and subsequently paused during the pandemic. These delays, combined with the City's plan to reconstruct the Plaza "deck" as part of renovations to the parking structure, have created opportunities to align the two projects. Deck replacement and plaza design are now combined into one collaborative effort. The first phase of this work includes design and engineering that will support future construction. The total cost for this phase of the project is $140,980. The DDA portion for plaza enhancements is $49,343.

The Board approved funds not to exceed $49,343 for phase 1 design services.