The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a funding tool that Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) administers to help catalyze public and private investment in Grand Rapids’ urban core.

To maintain a high level of openness and transparency, the full recording of the live-streamed DDA Board meeting on July 10, 2024, is available on YouTube.

The Board met on this agenda and took the following actions:

MDOT Agreement Approval

The Board authorized the Executive Director to execute an agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) to utilize DDA owned property for a lighting upgrade project for the S-Curve. The DDA property is 150 Cherry Street SW and MDOT will have authorization to utilize 14 parking spaces at a rate of $143/month/space for the duration of the project (rights extend from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025).

Downtown Security Contract Renewal

The Board approved funding for uniformed security patrols Downtown through mid-October in partnership with the City of Grand Rapids. The patrols consist of two security personnel on foot that coordinate efforts with the Downtown Ambassadors and the Homeless Outreach Team. The patrols provide additional eyes and ears on the street to alert GRPD of any issues that need attention. The contract is with Phenix Security and the City of Grand Rapids will reimburse the DDA for 50% of the overall cost.

The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $60,000 for Downtown security services.

Downtown Flower Planting Support

The Board approved funding to support Downtown flower planting and beautification services in FY25. The contract is with Block by Block who selected a local partner, Micandy Gardens. The services include planting and maintenance of public planting beds Downtown, as well as the installation of several new planting beds throughout the district. The total cost of the contract is $185,300, of which the Downtown Development Authority is providing $64,300 (the remainder of the cost is covered by the Downtown Improvement District and the Monroe North Tax increment Financing Authority).

The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $64,300 for flower planting and beautification services.

Downtown Liquor License: Gimme's Par & Grill

The Board approved a resolution for the issuance of a Development District liquor license for Gimme's Par & Grill located at 45 Ottawa NW.

Grand River Greenway Public Art Plan Consultant Services Support

The Board approved funds to support consultant services to lead the creation of a cohesive community art plan for the Grand River corridor. Project goals include a common curatorial vision and guiding principles for public art in the Grand River corridor, generally defined for this purpose as Riverside Park to Millennium Park. A steering committee convened in February 2024 to guide the process and subsequently reviewed 17 proposals from firms across the US. The selected consultant, MIG, will work with the steering committee and DGRI staff to create a full plan including public outreach, recommendations and an implementation strategy.

The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $150,000 for contractual services in support of the creation of a Grand River Greenway Public Art Plan.

World of Winter Art Activation Funding Auhtorization

The Board approved funding to support up to 10 winter art installations for the 2025 World of Winter Festival. 115 proposals were received following a global RFP that was issued in March. Following review from members of DGRI's Citizen Alliance, the River Activation Committee, the Grand River Greenway Public Art Committee and the City of Grand Rapids Arts Advisory Council, nine proposals were recommended that will bring art installations to the festival from local, national and international artists.

The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $400,000 for the rental, insurance, equipment and logistics costs to support up to 10 winter art installations for World of Winter 2025.