The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a funding tool that Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) administers to help catalyze public and private investment in Grand Rapids’ urban core.
To maintain a high level of openness and transparency, the full recording of the live-streamed DDA Board meeting on December 11, 2024, is available on YouTube.
The Board met on this agenda and took the following actions:
Projection Mapping Funding
The Board approved funding to support the creation and production of a projection mapping show and permanent projection infrastructure at Lyon Square. During World of Winter 2022, DGRI worked with several partners to bring the projection show, Seasonal Wonders, to Lyon Square as a temporary public art installation. This effort builds on that success with a new show titled The Grand Rapidian. It will showcase the history of Grand Rapids through a 15-20 minute illustrative narrative show that spans the glacial period to the present day. Art and production partners include Son Visuals, DropDrop Studio and LiveSpace.
The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $85,000 for contracts supporting the creation and production of a projection mapping show at Lyon Square.
Downtown Community Garden Funding
The Board approved funding to support the second season programming and supplies at the Downtown Community Garden located at the north end of Las Canchas at 250 Seward Ave NW. The inaugural 2024 season at the Downtown Community Garden included 55 individual garden plots, 33 events, 1,200 plants and approximately 2,000 pounds of food grown. Local businesses and organizations (24 total) partnered to engage over 400 unique individuals through events and programming.
The Board approved funds not-to-exceed $56,250 for programming and supplies to support the Downtown Community Garden project in 2025.