The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a funding tool that Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) administers to help catalyze public and private investment in Grand Rapids’ urban core.

To maintain a high level of openness and transparency, the full recording of the live-streamed DDA Board meeting on February 12, 2025, is available on YouTube.

The Board met on this agenda and took the following actions:

Soccer Stadium Temporary Access and Purchase Agreements

The Board approved a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the deed for the YMCA parking lot and execution of the Temporary Access and Purchase and Sale Agreements between the DDA and Grand Action 2.0 for construction of the Amway Soccer Stadium.

Retail Innovation Grant: Cellar Bird Books

The Board approved funding to support a new Downtown Business, Cellar Bird Books, through the Retail Innovation Grant program. This grant program provides support for rent costs up to 50% over an 18-month term. Cellar Bird is located at 415 Bridge St NW. It is a local, independently-owned retail bookstore that offers new books, small gifts and community space for gathering and events.

The Board approved funds not to exceed $24,030 for a Retail Innovation Grant.

Downtown Liquor License

The Board approved a resolution for the issuance of a Development District liquor license for Ramon1088, LLC that will be operating a new establishment at 511 Bridge St NW.

Return to the River Traveling Exhibits Funding

The Board approved funding to support up to three traveling art installations for the 2025 Return to the River music and art festival. The festival will return for its fourth year in the Monroe North neighborhood along the riverwalk. The festival combines free music, art and a host of interactive community activities and installations. The traveling art installations increased attendance on the festival weekend, as well as in the week leading up to and following the festival.

The Board approved funding not-to-exceed $80,000 for up to three traveling art installations for Return to the River 2025.

Presentations & Staff Updates

Plante Moran Financial Audit Presentation (13:10)

Grand River Public Art Plan Presentation (44:55)