
Showing posts 111-120 of 452

  1. DDA Board Meeting Outcomes: September 2020

    Approved funds for tree plantings, winter decor and transit-oriented developments.
  2. Downtown GR Seeks Qualified Website Builder

    Professionals sought to build Downtown Neighbor Network platform.
  3. Downtown GR Seeks Proposals for Winter Art Installations

    Qualified professionals sought to activate public spaces for the months of January and February 2021.
  4. Grand Rapids, MI Seeks Proposals to Rehab Waterfront Public Space

    Qualified professionals sought to redesign Lyon Square and Lyon Street.
  5. Downtown Grand Rapids Seeks Festive Lighting Vendor

    Qualified professionals sought to light up Downtown winter and year-round.
  6. DDA Board Meeting Outcomes: July 2020

    Approved funds for a special event, air quality monitoring.
  7. “Women’s Way” Mural Work Begins

    Original creative works will honor and showcase local women leaders.
  8. DGRI Now Accepting Applications to Repair Damaged Business Storefronts

    Grant funds available for window repairs, replacements.
  9. DDA Board Meeting Outcomes: June 2020

    Approved financial support for damaged Downtown businesses and further investment in pedestrian safety and bicycle infrastructure improvements
  10. GR DDA Meets Virtually June 10, 2020

    Agenda includes funding to support window repairs/replacements for Downtown businesses.